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Sunday, February 10, 2013

I saw this and had to post it!!

Things non-running people say to people who run......

1) You’re running another marathon? How long is this one going to be?
2) Where do you run to?
3) Did you win?
4) You ran how many miles? Oh, I get tired just driving that far.
5) You are going to hurt your knees.
6) Running is boring. Wouldn’t you rather do something more fun?
7) Why do you run if you don’t win?
8) You ran in this weather?
9) Runner: I dropped 5 seconds in my race yesterday!
Non-runner: I’m sorry.
10) Man those 3-mile marathons take a lot out of me.
11) You only ran a half marathon?

ALL marathons are 26.2 miles, half marathons are 13.1 and 5k's are NOT marathons, 3 miles is a 5k. Just FYI, carry on.

1 comment:

The Circus said...

"Carry on" LOL