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Friday, April 30, 2010

Funny conversations/things that my oldest has said lately

While saying his prayers he asked Heavenly Father to bless mommy and the baby to be healthy and for the baby to not be a boy.

"When I grow up I'm going to be a scientist and I will make everyone their own robot."

His cousin was over playing the other day and this is what he told him about his birthday; "You are invited to my birthday party, we are going to go to Deseret Peak (a local place that has a cool swimming pool), then we are going to the movies, and then to McDonald's, then come back to my house and open presents and have cake, and then everyone is going to sleep over!!!"  - Uh I don't think so.....

"Mom, we should get me a dog for my birthday." a day later, "Mom, we should get me my own iTouch so I can play games on it, for my birthday." a day later, "Mom, we should get me a new DS so I can play games on it for my birthday." a day later "Mom, I REALLY want bakugans for my birthday to play with." a day later "Mom, we should get me some Sketchers for my birthday because I can tie shoes now." I didn't really respond to any of the toys/electronics but when he said he wanted shoes, I said, "Okay fine you can have shoes for your birthday."  He responded with, "I never said I wanted shoes." I said, "Sketchers are shoes."  He said, "No its a skateboard." I then went and got my pair of sketchers and said, "Really?" He looked at me and said "They are only shoes for girls, they are skateboards for boys." I gave up.

"Grandma, you really shouldn't wear baseball hats, I just like your hair."  So she took off her hat and he said, "Nevermind put it back on your hair looks crazy."

"Mom, I'm going to get you plants to plant in the front yard and garden for Mother's Day, do you want that?"  I said yes I would LOVE plants to plant, he said, "Well we have to plant pumpkins again in the front yard." I said, "No buddy they took over all the plants last year, you can plant them in the backyard this year." He said, "Nevermind you aren't getting any plants from me!"

              His pumpkin plant from last year and this was at the beginning of the summer......


Confessions of a Closet Hoarder but you can call me Judy said...

"Nevermind you aren't getting any plants from me!"

Too funny!!

Sovic Clan said...


Derek-Jenny-Kaitlynd-Ethan-Dylan said...

WOW...he has an active imagination! What a cutie!